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What Both Men and Women Need to Know About Testosterone

Mar 17, 2023 | Blog, Hormone Health

A healthy testosterone level is important for a healthy libido, YES, but testosterone plays a number of other important roles in our health that may surprise you. 


For instance, did you know that women produce it, too? It is not just a male sex hormone, although women require only one-tenth the amount that men do. FYI–this is the reason men generally have a higher sex drive than women.  Ladies, permission granted to share this with your partner .


We experience a spike in testosterone production during puberty and then, beginning around age 30, it begins to decline. However, this process can be accelerated due to lifestyle factors, such as chronic stress or poor nutrition. 


It is important to maintain balanced levels throughout your lifespan. In sufficient amounts, it promotes healthy libido and energy levels. It also plays a role in: 


  • Bone density and health 
  • Energy levels 
  • Muscle mass 
  • Regular sleep patterns 
  • Production of red blood cells 


According to a recent study from the American Urology Association, testosterone levels have been steadily decreasing in men since 1991. The reasons for this decline are multifaceted, but given the endocrine-disrupting chemicals present in everyday products, and the nutritional deficiencies in modern diets, it is no surprise that our hormonal health is suboptimal. 


If you feel this may be the case for you, keep reading. We will look at the common signs and symptoms of low testosterone, as well as natural treatment options. 


Testosterone In Men


Before we talk about the issues that can arise from low levels, it is important to understand its role in the male body. 


Men produce most of their testosterone in the testicles. The endocrine system in the brain is responsible for signaling the body when it needs to produce it. 


During puberty, this leads to muscle development and hair growth on the face and body. 

Testosterone is vital to male fertility and the production of healthy sperm. Along with this important function, testosterone levels also promote bone health, metabolism, and cognitive functioning. 


Low levels can occur for a number of reasons. The natural common reason is due to aging– levels tend to drop about 1% after age 30. Imbalances that are not related to the natural aging process tend to be caused by: 


  • Conditions such as diabetes or obesity
  • Damage or injury to the testicles 
  • Use of certain medications, such as antidepressants or narcotic painkillers 
  • Excessive alcohol consumption 
  • Endocrine disrupting chemicals present in everyday products
  • Nutritional deficiencies in modern diets


Some of the telltale signs of low levels in males include:


  • Decreased libido. Testosterone plays a large role in the male sex drive. Changes in libido are normal as we age, but a noticeable lack of interest may be due to hormonal imbalance. 
  • General fatigue. Energy is linked to healthy testosterone levels. If you’ve been sleeping 8-9 hours a night and still feel fatigued, it might be worth getting your testosterone levels tested. 
  • Difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. Testosterone stimulates the brain to produce nitric oxide – a chemical that is needed to sustain an erection. Low testosterone interferes with this process which can create difficulty in your sex life. 
  • Loss of muscle mass. Adequate testosterone levels are a major factor in building and sustaining muscle mass. Low testosterone, over time, will have an impact on your muscles, even if you hit the gym everyday. 
  • Mood swings & memory issues: Have you noticed an increase in moodiness, irritability, or even depression? It could be due to hormonal imbalance– testosterone plays a crucial role in regulating men’s mood and sleep cycles. 



Testosterone In Women 


While we tend to associate testosterone with men, in smaller amounts it is also an important component of women’s health. 


Women produce it mainly in their ovaries, but the adrenal glands, fat cells, and skin cells produce it as well. Most of this testosterone gets converted into female sex hormones, though some is needed to maintain healthy energy levels and bodily functions. 


As well, testosterone is important for women in: 


  • Promoting breast & bone health 
  • Maintaining regular menstrual cycles 
  • Cognitive health 


Like men, women naturally experience lower levels as they age. However, the most dramatic drop occurs during menopause. 


The normal range for women is between 15 to 70 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) of blood. If levels are lower than this, women may experience: 


  • Low sex drive 
  • Irregular menstrual cycles 
  • Osteoporosis 


And while having too much tends not to be a problem for men, in women numerous health issues can arise from an excess of this hormone. The most common is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), affecting approximately 5 million women in the US. This condition can lead to reduced fertility, irregular periods, and skin problems like acne and abnormal hair growth. 



Supporting Healthy Hormone Levels


If you begin to notice any of these signs of low testosterone, be sure to talk with your health practitioner. They can test your hormone levels by performing a blood test, and then work with you to restore any imbalance. 


In addition, there are several natural ways you can support healthy hormone levels in your daily life. These include: 


  • Regular physical activity. Research has found a strong association between exercise and testosterone production. Weight training and high intensity interval training (HIIT) are the most effective at boosting T, but any way you can get your body moving on a regular basis is key for overall health and hormones. However, be careful.  Too much exercise can lead to low levels.  Moderation is key. 
  • Reduce stress.  When we are chronically stressed, our bodies produce cortisol, the stress hormone, at the expense of other key hormones like testosterone. Finding techniques that work to reduce stress is a must for feeling your best and boosting levels. This is HUGE.  I see this all the time.  Supporting the adrenal glands to regulate cortisol levels helps regulate testosterone.  Root cause resolution works! 
  • Get enough sleep. Studies have found that when we lack sleep, our body cannot produce the necessary hormones and chemicals that keep it working optimally. This includes testosterone. Aiming for at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night will help maintain healthy levels.
  • Testosterone replacement. Hormone replacement therapy can be administered in several different ways – most commonly through injections, transdermal gels and creams. While gels and creams are an easy and convenient option, there are certain drawbacks to their efficacy and absorption due to sweating and friction. Injectables are the most reliable form of TRT and should be performed under the supervision of a knowledgeable practitioner.



Healthy Hormone Diet


Another major way you can boost levels in your daily life is through diet. 


Certain herbs and food groups can actually help your body produce it naturally– no hormonal injections or implants needed. 


  • Ashwagandha has been used in traditional Indian medicine for years to treat sexual dysfunction and infertility. Studies have associated the herb with increased testosterone.
  • Zinc is needed for your body to make testosterone and for healthy sperm production. If you are deficient, supplementing zinc may be worthwhile. Otherwise, you can add zinc into your diet by eating quality red meat, eggs, chickpeas, and yogurt.  
  • Healthy fats & protein. Research shows that men who eat low fat, low protein diets also have lowered testosterone levels. Instead of simple carbs and empty calories, prioritize avocados, nuts, dairy products, and meats into your diet. 
  • Magnesium can enhance your quality of sleep, which is vital to testosterone production. Supplementation can be useful, along with eating magnesium-rich foods like dark chocolate, sunflower seeds, and bananas. 


As always, talk with your practitioner before introducing new herbs or supplements to your diet. Too much of one nutrient can cause a depletion in another.  


Testosterone plays a role in a number of the body’s important functions. Balanced levels of this hormone are crucial for optimal health in both men & women. If you feel you have symptoms of low/high testosterone, it is worth considering hormone testing. If you’d like my help, we can work on restoring your body’s balance of it through the natural methods discussed here.  To find out how to work with me click here.





Barhum, L. (2018, July). 8 science-backed ways to boost testosterone naturally. Medical News Today. Retrieved from

Medical News Today, Typical testosterone levels in males and females Retrieved from:

Garrard, C., Rapaport, L., Waldbieser, J., Upham, B., Cassata, C., Robertson, R., & Kraft, A. (n.d.). Testosterone and women’s health. Retrieved from

Gharahdaghi, N., Phillips, B. E., Szewczyk, N. J., Smith, K., Wilkinson, D. J., & Atherton, P. J. (2020, December 18). Links between testosterone, oestrogen, and the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor axis and resistance exercise muscle adaptations. Frontiers. Retrieved from

Kahl, K. L. (2022, January 27). Testosterone levels show steady decrease among young US men. Urology Times. Retrieved from

Lawrence , E. (2023, January 25). How to increase testosterone. Forbes. Retrieved from

Van Heertum, K., & Rossi, B. (2017, July 10). Alcohol and fertility: How much is too much? Fertility research and practice.

Leproult R, Van Cauter E. Effect of 1 week of sleep restriction on testosterone levels in young healthy men. JAMA. 2011 Jun 1;305(21):2173-4. doi: 10.1001/jama.2011.710. PMID: 21632481; PMCID: PMC4445839.


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