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Getting Beyond the Line of Fine

Getting Beyond the Line of Fine

  These are typical scenarios I hear from patients in my practice:   “I’m tired. I mean I have the energy to do the things I HAVE to do but at the end of the day, I don’t have the energy to do the things I WANT to do.” “I have every symptom of low...
Monday Hour One

Monday Hour One

If you don’t know where you want to be going then I guess you are on the right path.   The patients I work with, however, do have a specific destination in mind. They desire a place of optimal health and happiness and they aren’t okay with just leaving it to...
Creating A Life of Intention

Creating A Life of Intention

Are you exactly where you want to be in life? Do you love the path you are on and are happy with all the choices you have made? Is everything about your health and your life okay or truly amazing? For myself and many of my patients, our lives and our health are pretty...
Oh What a Difference 20 Years Can Make

Oh What a Difference 20 Years Can Make

Twenty years ago, on June 8, 2001, I graduated from Medical School. I was young, idealistic, and eager to help people feel better and live their lives to the fullest. To my dismay, this wasn’t exactly how it panned out. The Truth About Conventional Medicine From...