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Positive and Negative Emotions

Positive and Negative Emotions

Our emotions, the way we feel, drive our actions.  This is great news because our emotions come from our thoughts and beliefs, which are actually under our control. As Ryan Holiday says in “The Obstacle is the Way,” “There is no good or bad without us, there is only...
Simple but Not Easy

Simple but Not Easy

  Life is so busy. And without a lot of intention and considerable planning it is easy to let personal priorities slide. Often, we are so busy caring for everyone else that there is just no time to take care of ourselves. It feels kind of selfish, prioritizing...
Controlling What You Can Control

Controlling What You Can Control

Life feels pretty out of control sometimes. For instance, staying up on current events is a good idea, but watching the news too much can certainly be stressful! Also, there are often diseases that run in the family. That can be stressful too! 72% of Americans report...
Getting Beyond the Line of Fine

Getting Beyond the Line of Fine

  These are typical scenarios I hear from patients in my practice:   “I’m tired. I mean I have the energy to do the things I HAVE to do but at the end of the day, I don’t have the energy to do the things I WANT to do.” “I have every symptom of low...