by Jessamine Sothard | Aug 14, 2023 | Blog, Gut Health
Let’s talk about gut health. But first I want to know from you: Have you ever been told: “There’s nothing wrong with you.”, “It’s all in your head.” or “All of your tests have come back normal so there is nothing to do.”? As a family doctor, when...
by Jessamine Sothard | Aug 7, 2023 | Blog, Gut Health
Bloating is a very common condition that most people experience at some point. When you’re bloated, your stomach feels tight, full, and sometimes painful. I personally feel fat and sluggish when I’m bloated so I’m always anxious to get to the root cause fast! ...
by Jessamine Sothard | Jul 31, 2023 | Blog, Gut Health
If you suffer from eczema, you probably know how uncomfortable and inconvenient the condition is. But did you know that the root cause of eczema could be coming from the gut. Yep—the gut. Keep reading. Eczema is a common skin condition characterized by itchy,...
by Jessamine Sothard | May 4, 2023 | Blog, Gut Health
I’m not a winter person, and in Ohio, the winters can be long. Spring is characterized as a season of renewal, hope, and rebirth. I hate to wish my life away but I’m always thankful when the days start getting longer and the sun starts shining more. However, for...
by Jessamine Sothard | Jun 28, 2022 | Blog, Lifestyle
We are well aware that the chronic disease epidemic is on the rise. But did you know that a majority of modern-day illnesses (over 85 percent of them) are driven by our behavior and environment and not our genes? This suggests that we have HUGE potential in preventing...