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How To Break The Cycle of Toxic Thinking

How To Break The Cycle of Toxic Thinking

Will This Merry-Go-Round Ever End? You can modify 5 key lifestyle factors to better your health and well-being. They are all equally important, and they are equally challenging to get back on track. But if you have motivation, do the research, and have the right tools...
Positive and Negative Emotions

Positive and Negative Emotions

Our emotions, the way we feel, drive our actions.  This is great news because our emotions come from our thoughts and beliefs, which are actually under our control. As Ryan Holiday says in “The Obstacle is the Way,” “There is no good or bad without us, there is only...
The Vagus Nerve: What You Need To Know

The Vagus Nerve: What You Need To Know

  The vagus nerve doesn’t typically get a lot of attention in conventional medicine, but it actually plays a vital role in orchestrating your body’s response to stress and inflammation. And it doesn’t stop there: The vagus nerve also influences gut health, ...
What Stress Does Does To Your Immune System

What Stress Does Does To Your Immune System

Stress is a normal part of modern daily life, but most people are not aware of the negative consequences of stress on their health—until it is too late.  It’s no big deal, right? WRONG!   Understanding the impact on overall health.     Some people are able...
Boost Your Happy Hormone Serotonin Naturally

Boost Your Happy Hormone Serotonin Naturally

Many of us are making plans for a happy, healthy, and fulfilling year and investing in the tools to make that happen. However, January’s shorter days, colder temperatures, and reduced time outside put many people at risk for seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Studies...